Minggu, 22 April 2012

Cara Mengganti Proxy Browser Mozilla Firefox

Pada tau gak Proxy itu apa? Kalau udah pada tau sih baguslah, soalnya saya gak tau Proxy itu apa.

Jadi awal-mulanya begini. Sekitar Pukul 20.04 WIB saya gak bisa buka Indowebster, terus saya tanya ke teman saya, "Hoi bisa buka IDWS, gak?". Dia bilang "Bisa.". Terus saya buka lagi tuh Indowebster, wah ternyata bisa. Habis itu Indowebster saya close lagi karna sengaja soalnya terlalu banyak Tab di Mozilla saya karna saya pakai Browser Mozilla dan saya coba lagi, wah gak bisa lagi Tulisannya "Sambungan Web diputus blablablabla". Terus nanya ke temen yang lain, dia bisa juga. Wah sesuatu nih, langsung aja iseng ganti Proxy.

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Adobe White Rabbit PhotoShop 5 Portable

Gak jelas kan rilisannya? Tiba-tiba nyambung ke PhotoShop. Tapi tak' mengapa lah daripada gak ada rilisan sama sekali kan gak enak kalau dilihatnya gitu-gitu aja (walaupun sebernya gak ada yang lihat).

Minggu, 08 April 2012

TETRA FANG - Destiny's [Album]

Performed by: TETRA-FANG
Album: Destiny's

1. Mind Garden
2. Destiny's Play
3. Roots of the King
4. Lightning to Heaven
5. Exterminate Time
6. Eternity Blood
7. Supernova
8. Individual-System
9. Rainy Rose
10. Prayer~Message2
11.No matter who You are

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

TETRA FANG - Individual-System [Single]

Performed by: TETRA-FANG
Single: Individual-System

1. Individual-System
2. Individual-System technical guitar fist
3. Individual-System instrumental
4. Individual-System NAGO advance fist

TETRA FANG - Roots of the King [Single]

Performed by: TETRA-FANG
Single : Roots of the King

1. Individual-System Acoustic Fist
2. Individual-System Acoustic Fist Instrumental
3. Roots of the King
4. Roots of the King Instrumental

Senin, 02 April 2012

[Shared] Win7 Theme: Black ★ Rock Shooter, Dead Master, Guilty Crown V1 & V2

Sekarang saatnya share Tema Win7. Niatnya sih mau di share kemarin, tapi mood lagi gak bagus.
Yaudah, sekarang gak usah pake basa-basi lagi deh.

Yang pertama:
Black ★ Rock Shooter

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

[Shared] XP Theme: Black ★ Rock Shooter, Dead Master, Guilty Crown V1 & V2

Kali ini mau nyoba share tema XP nih, mungkin yang 7 besok (kalau inget) ciahaha.
Langsung aja deh.

Yang pertama:
Black ★ Rock Shooter

Preview 1

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Fortune Summoners: Secret Of The Elemental Stone PC Game

Dengan kata lain:
Fortune Summoners is a story about being young. It's a story about finding adventure, about doing good even when doing good is hard. It's a story about owning up to your mistakes and making them right, and facing down danger no matter what. Furthermore, it's a video game.

Gameplay in Fortune Summoners consists of side-scrolling action, with you in control of one of three party members and the computer controlling the other two (with highly customizable AI dictating their actions). You will explore towns, delve dungeons, climb towers and, just maybe, find Arche a snack or two.

Combat is different depending on who you control - Arche, being a swords-girl, controls in a fashion similar to a character from a brawler or fighting game, with many special moves tied to button combos. Sana and Stella, her companions, rely more on their varied selection of spells to see them through a fight - spells that rain ice down on enemies, make mirror images of friends, or set the ground ablaze!

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

VN Game Guily Crown: Lost Christmas PC

Setelah Nitroplus sukses dengan Animenya, yaitu Guily Crown, sekarang ia akan merilis Gamenya, yaitu Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas for PC. Katanya sih game ini jalan ceritanya berbasis dengan Anime Guilty Crown. Rencananya Game ini akan dirilis pada tanggal 31 Mei 2012. Harganya 5.040 Yen (US$65.70 atau IDR602.469).